
Update: International Student Program designation list

Please find below information on the latest from the Private Career Training Institutions Agency of BC (PCTIA) and the British Columbia Education Quality Assurance (EQA) regarding the International Student Program (ISP) designation list. Canadian Tourism College is proud to say that we qualify for the ISP designation and have been registered and accredited with both associations.

PCTIA News Announcement: April 11, 2014

On behalf of the Ministry of Advanced Education:

British Columbia recently announced that all post-secondary institutions and language schools that accept international students for study programs of longer than six months will be required to have British Columbia’s Education Quality Assurance (EQA) designation in order to be on the “ISP Designated List”.

This new requirement, to be phased in over 18 months, ensures institutions hosting international students meet the Province’s highest standard of education quality.

Further to the announcement, this message is to advise that information about the revised EQA Policy and Procedures manual and details on transition, including the steps required to be placed on the ISP Designated List, is now available on the Ministry of Advanced Education’s website.

We strongly encourage you to visit the website to review these details and to begin required actions as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Ministry of Advanced Education